Monday 10 November 2014

Be Careful with Surprise Birthday Parties

The surprise birthday party is the stuff of legend and also much beloved by TV sitcoms and some Hollywood movies.

When successfully executed and well received, it can be a great success and a wonderful expression of affection on the part of family and friends for the birthday boy or girl.

However, as we can say for sure at Belair Park Country Club, there are some issues and risks that need to be carefully managed.

We know we have some great birthday party venues. Adelaide party-goers typically love them but do keep in mind a few of the following practical points:

·         It won’t be much of a birthday party if the person concerned does n’t actually turn up. That is a very real risk with surprise parties if the secret has been so well kept that the individual targeted for the surprise has disappeared at the last moment due to a change of their personal plans and now nobody can find them.  It has happened! 

·         A related issue arises when the surprise is successfully sprung but to everyone’s horror, the major guest has to shortly depart because they have committed to something else on the same evening because they did n’t know the party was taking place.

These sorts of events may sound funny and they probably are when they happen to someone else but not if you are the chief organiser of and plotter behind, the party.

Yes, it’s really important to keep everything a secret and for the eventual surprise to be total but it’s also necessary to do an awful lot of very discrete communication behind the scene to avoid some of the above disasters taking place.

Above all, try to make sure that someone is shadowing the target an hour or two in advance of the party just to try and make sure they don’t disappear somewhere else!

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